Sunday, June 26, 2011

Webquest II Task#4

Figure 3 :Rontgen Satellite(ROSAT) X-Ray Image
1. What do you see?
I see light hitting one side of the moon and the other side is dark. The light is creating different hue of colors.
2.Why is part of it bright and part dark?
The part that is dark doesn't have light nor heat reflected on it.  The bright side does.

Figure 4:Very Large Array radio wave photo of the Moon
1.Which part of the Moon is the Sun shining on?  Why?
The sun is shinning on the red portion of the moon because the strongest radio waves are in red and the sun's energy rays only hit one side of the moon.

Figure 5: UV, Visible, Infrared Wavelengths
1.Compare and contrast these images. How are they similar or different?
Each photos of the moon has different wavelengths and the light hitting them are from different bands on the spectrograph.
UV light is when there are clearly exposure of the coolest places on the moon with two colors.
Mid Infrared displays the lowest points on the moon as different shades of red.
Near Infrared  allows many different colors to show.
2. What patterns do you see?
The different wavelengths of light reflecting on the moon allows the different elevations show up clearly.
3.What features are more or less visible in each frame?
The geographical feature are visible in each frame. The depths are more defined.
4. Can you see any benefits of using one type of light versus another? How?
Near infrared light wavelengths show more depths on the moon.  Infrared light makes it easier to see where are the craters are located on the moon.

Figure 6:Stacked Spectra
5. How are these stacked spectral images different from the other photos?
The stacked image are the result of layering of all the different wavelengths.  They put the photos together to present all the data. It makes the image much more clear and easier to  interpret.
6. Are the colors used the "real" colors of the Moon?
7.Why are there different colors?
There are different wavelengths which show different colors and depths.

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