Sunday, June 26, 2011

Webquest II Task #1 and Task #2

Task I
1.What is light and where does it come from?
Light is electromagnectic radiation that travels indefinitely if nothing interrupts its path.
Visible light is only part of the electromagnectic spectrum.
There are three different types of light continuous, emission, and absorption.
Contiunous spectrum is uninterrupted.
Emmission spectrum comes from a hot gas with distinct atomic characteristics.
Absorption spectrum is when light travels through a cold gas.
Task II So What?
1. Which elements or compounds were you able to identify?
Magnesium, Iron, and  Sodium
2. Based on what you learned in Task#1 about how spectra are created, what do these spectra tells us about the Sun's composition? It's structure?

The sun is made up of a lot of Hydrogen. It also has Magnesium, sodium and Iron.  The spectrum data shows a lot of hydrogen.  The sun is largely made up of gases.  The sun is made up of mostly hot gases and the hot gases causes many different colors.
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